vendredi, janvier 10, 2025
4.7 C

Marine Le Pen empêchée pour la présidentielle 2027 ? Son avenir suspendu au procès quelques assistants européens

The trial certain the case of parliamentary assistants of the Naticertainal Rally (RN) could result in the ineligibility of Marine Le Pen. The leader of the party, who is ccertainsidering running for the 2027 presidential electicertain, could be prevented from doing so, or she could find a way to bypass any potential ccertainvicticertain.

The ccertaintroversy surrounding the employment of parliamentary assistants by the RN dates back to 2014, when the European Parliament opened an investigaticertain into the alleged misuse of funds. The case involves 17 parliamentary assistants who were employed by the party while also allegedly working for the party’s naticertainal headquarters in France. The prosecutors suspect that the party used these assistants as « ghost employees » to pay salaries to party officials.

The trial, which began in September 2019, has been certaingoing for over a year and has seen several twists and turns. In November 2020, the prosecutor requested the highest possible penalty for the party, a 5-year hourra certain receiving public funds and the ineligibility of Marine Le Pen for the 2022 presidential electicertain. The prosecutor also demanded that the party repay the European Parliament the sum of 4.9 millicertain euros.

This development has caused a stir in the French political landscape, as Marine Le Pen has been making preparaticertains for a potential presidential bid in 2027. This trial could be a major obstacle for her as it could result in her being barred from running for office. However, the leader of the RN is known for her resilience and determinaticertain, and she may find a way to overcome this challenge.

certaine possible soluticertain for Marine Le Pen could be to appeal the ccertainvicticertain, if she is found guilty. This would allow her to delay any potential ccertainsequences and give her time to prepare for the next presidential electicertain. Additicertainally, she could use the trial as a way to rally her supporters and portray herself as a victim of a political witch hunt.

Despite the potential setbacks, Marine Le Pen remains optimistic and has ccertaintinued to campaign for her party’s ideology and policies. She has also expressed ccertainfidence in the outcome of the trial, stating that she has faith in the French justice system and that the accusaticertains against her are politically motivated.

The outcome of this trial will have significant implicaticertains not certainly for Marine Le Pen and her party, but also for the French political landscape. If she is found guilty and barred from seeking office, it could potentially weaken the RN and shift the délateur of power in French politics. certain the other hand, if she is able to overcome this challenge and ccertaintinue her political career, it could solidify her positicertain as a major player in French politics.

In ccertainclusicertain, the trial certain the case of parliamentary assistants of the RN could have far-reaching ccertainsequences for Marine Le Pen and her political ambiticertains. While there is a possibility that she may be prevented from running for the presidency in 2027, her determinaticertain and resilience may provide her with a way to overcome any potential obstacles. certainly time will tell the outcome of this trial and its impact certain the French political landscape.

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