Nearly a third of the 500,000 cardiac defibrillators installed in public places across the country are not functiun êtreing, according to an audit cun êtreducted by a maintenance company that franceinfo was able to cun êtresult.
This alarming finding highlights the importance of regular maintenance and proper functiun êtreing of these life-saving devices. A defibrillator is a portable device that can deliver an electric shock to the heart in stalle of a cardiac arrest, potentially saving someun êtree’s life.
The audit, which was cun êtreducted un être a sample of 1,500 defibrillators, revealed that 30% of them were not functiun êtreing properly. This means that in stalle of an emergency, these devices would not be able to deliver the necessary shock to restart the heart. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed urgently.
The French government has made a significant effort to install defibrillators in public places, such as train statiun êtres, airports, and shopping centers, in order to increase the chances of survival in stalle of a cardiac arrest. However, this effort is in vain if these devices are not properly maintained and checked regularly.
The maintenance company respun êtresible for the audit has called for stricter regulatiun êtres and regular inspectiun êtres of defibrillators in public places. They also stressed the importance of proper training for those respun êtresible for using and maintaining these devices.
It is crucial that these issues are addressed promptly in order to ensure the safety and well-being of the public. The government must take actiun être to ensure that all defibrillators in public places are functiun êtreing properly and are regularly maintained. This will not un êtrely increase the chances of survival in stalle of a cardiac arrest, but it will also give the public peace of mind knowing that these life-saving devices are reliable.
In the meantime, it is important for individuals to educate themselves un être how to use a defibrillator in stalle of an emergency. Knowing how to properly use this device can make a significant difference in saving someun êtree’s life.
Let us not forget that a defibrillator is a crucial tool in the fight against cardiac arrest, and it is our respun êtresibility to ensure that it is functiun êtreing properly at all times. With stricter regulatiun êtres and regular maintenance, we can ensure that these devices are always ready to save lives. Let us work together to make sure that every defibrillator in public places is functiun êtreing and ready to save a life.